
Hey there! Lenka here.

I’m a holistic designer with a strong technical focus, soft-dev skills and business management experience.

I figure out how stuff works and synthesize it together.

Connecting fragmented
pieces into a whole

is my principle




|+|+| = ?

The whole is more
than the sum of its parts



expressing insights

  • explainers



creating organically,
so life can meet life

  • software design&dev
  • product design
  • architecture
  • business&team culture
  • organizational structures

creating connections

& Startership





This site is a compendium of stuff I do, things I care about and inspiration that intrigues me.
I’m a holistic designer with a strong technical focus, soft-dev skills and business management experience.

I see the full picture. I’m able to talk with clients, designers, developers, managers, researchers, engineers, accountants, marketers, artists... - you name it - see their points and connect those views into a whole.

I’ve graduated from an architecture design-technical school. It taught me to look at things from a broad perspective while seeing important details. Appreciating design and creative process while appreciating technical aspects. Creating from just an idea, nothing, through concept, analysis-through-synthesis method and prototyping some physical reality.

The principle I care about in my work is creating balanced environments. Seeing the whole, the context, and not just fragmented silos, and digging deep into the core meanings, to understand them. I love gaining and visualizing insights, learn how stuff works and ask lots of questions. I love connecting diverse things and people together. I’m insatiably curious.

In 2019 I was asked to run a tiny 3D-graphics archviz business and did that for almost 2 years. I learned that people are the core elements that make or break a business. The environments and context we work in have tremendous impact on the way we work, which we usually don’t pay much of an attention to. That experience set me on a quest to find people that create truly human-nature-minded environments. You can listen to my interviews with them in my Podcast called Life-Enhancing Places.

After finishing up running the business I’ve been taking a sabbatical to help me advance my design and software-development skills. I’ve gotten into a full-stack web development and into designing visualizations on the web and interactive graphical interfaces. Check out the Apps section and the Explainers section.

If you still wonder who I am, I’d love to pick up Karry Mullis’s motto: I’m me. I’m the sum total of everything I’m interested in, and I’m interested in a lot. And let me just add: I refuse to be put into a defining box.

by Matus Nedecky

You can reach out to me on: email